Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the most amusing definition it gives you.
1. Your name: Leslie� An incredibly beautiful girl. Someone who is very attractive with the best hair. ( I really do like this definition lol)
2. Your age: 27:�� the age all rockstars die at:
jimi hendrix
jim morrison
janis joplin
kurt cobain
alexander the great
james dean
river phoenix
you and i have been through that
and this is NOT our fate
(No rockinapos; for me ;_;)
3. One of your friends: David Christopher (AKA DC): abbreviation for apos;donapos;t careapos;
when someone apos;oversharesapos; useless information....reply apos;dcapos;� (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
4. What should you be doing?� Homework: an unreasonable torturous device that teachers who dont like their students use to bring them pain and cause them to lose sleep. (*CACKLE* I LOVE BEING A TEACHER, HATE BEING A STUDENT).
5. Your favourite colour: Silver: Itapos;s All Good; Everything is all good. (hehehe)
6. Your birthplace: Eugene OR: A place in Oregon where women do not need to shave their armpits. (This was so true in part of Eugene)
7. Last person you talked to: Miggy: Totally spasticated. (This is really true depending on the time of day)
8. Last thing you had to drink: Milk: Milk is Hope. Hope for midgets, like myself to grow taller. (.......I am not SHORT)
9. Your nickname: Lily: An amazing name. People with this name usually kick ass at everything they do.� (WOW Iapos;m just so awesome yapos;know...lol)
doratheexplorer.ca, cabrera lee lyric, cabrera league melky minor stats, cabrera justusboys ryan, cabrera its ryan.

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