In August of 2007 I was in a car accident. The other driver did not have insurance. My insurance company, who I am no longer with, is going after them to get their $2,200.00 back. They hire a third party law firm to handle this.
The address she gave the officer and was on her license was Ham Lake. So they filed there. Nope, she lives in Eagan. So they file in Dakota county. It was continuance rescheduled for today.
So before I go down, I decide to call to make sure it still happening. Good thing I did. They could not find her to serve her here in Eagan so they dismissed the court date. Their investigator found an address for her in Hennepin county do now the law office is filing there. Hennepin county dates for these trials are out to January / February dates.
At what point is my FORMER insurance company paying more for the lawyers than they paid for the claim?
So I am all dressed up and am going to do homework now.
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